Anyone who's seen the films Back To The Future I, II and III will already be familiar with the menacing figure of Biff Tannen (apparently named after a Universal Studios executive called Ned Tanen, who behaved aggressively towards the writers of BTTF during a script meeting for another film).
What those same viewers probably aren't familiar with is the well of wonderfully expressed resentment that has built up inside Tom Wilson - the character actor who played Biff - since those halcyon days.
Despite numerous appearances on many other well-known shows (not to mention his role as various fishy denizens of the deep in Spongebob Squarepants) it seems the role of Biff has been a difficult one to shake off.
By no means a one-trick pony, Tom Wilson has also penned other comedy greats such as the ‘Daughter song’ and ‘Character actor’, and his stand-up comedy is top notch (and impressively family friendly).