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Perfectly Good Songs
by Tripod
Album first released: 2007

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Description: Over the years, Tripod have written several songs which, for one reason or another, haven't made it onto any of their recordings. Songs which have been too esoteric or too weird. They may have been too faux-carribean. They may have been too reliant on the listener's tolerance for a story about a king who refused to raise his visor. Or they might have been not very funny but had the charm of that retarded puppy you couldn't help but love the most out of all of the litter.

But of these literally thousands of songs, there are seven that Tripod just couldn't let go of. Seven. Not enough for an album. Too many for an E.P. Just the right number for a mini-album. Seven musical journeys of varying degrees of retardation, but loved dearly by all of Tripod. Except for the one called Shiny Chin. Scod hates that one. But he got outvoted.

Tripod went away for a weekend, got a little bit drunk and recorded these songs. These Pefectly Good Songs are finally free. Not free as in for no money. You have to pay for them and everything.

Track listing for Perfectly Good Songs:

Track Song titleLength
01.Dirty Power[03:32]Buy MP3: iTunes
02.Jebolicabal[02:43]Buy MP3: iTunes
03.Aquaman[03:16]Buy MP3: iTunes
04.I Was the Only Shepherd[04:21]Buy MP3: iTunes
05.Mum's a Spunk[02:26]Buy MP3: iTunes
06.Visor King[06:10]Buy MP3: iTunes
07.Shiny Chin[02:27]Buy MP3: iTunes

Tripod  Australian  

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Wednesday, 27th April 2011
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